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    How to find a ‘No Win, No Fee’ injury lawyer in Queensland?

    How to find a ‘No Win, No Fee’ injury lawyer in Queensland?

    When someone is involved in an accident and suffers an injury, it is an already stressful and uncertain time, so having to find a Brisbane no-win, no-fee lawyer can feel overwhelming. 

    A simple internet search using online directories or legal association websites (like the Queensland Law Society) will provide you with a selection of no-win, no-fee lawyers. You may even have family and friends who have had a similar experience and could make a recommendation and refer you to someone.

    In narrowing down who to call, visiting the firms’ websites will give you a glimpse into their specialty, who they are, and their offerings. Most law firms will offer you a free initial consultation. To help you find the right no win, no fee lawyer, we recommend using that initial phone call and/or appointment to explore the following:

    1. Area of specialty

    Like doctors, there are lawyers who run a general practice and others who specialise in one area. As personal injury laws and procedures are complex, it is recommended that you search for a lawyer who is a specialist in personal injury law and offers a no-win, no-fee arrangement.

    They will be the most qualified to help you, protect your interests by advising and acting on important time frames, knowing what evidence to gather, and knowing how to best strategically work with the negligent parties and their representatives.

    2. Location

    People often begin looking for a lawyer by searching “no win, no fee lawyer near me”, however, the physical location of the lawyer’s office is not the most important factor. Whether the lawyer is qualified to practice in Queensland, where the accident occurred, and how the injury lawyer near you will connect and communicate with you is more important.

    With technology, home visits (recognising some injured people are not in a position to travel), or meetings at a mutually convenient location, the location of the actual office becomes less relevant. Knowing how frequently you are required to meet in person and how that will happen is worth establishing.

    3. Fee Arrangement

    Understanding the fee arrangement that the lawyer is offering you is important. Are they prepared to act for you on a no-win, no-fee basis and what are the terms of the agreement? It is normal practice for the lawyer to give you a copy of the agreement to read over and to allow you to seek advice and ask questions about that agreement.

    4. Rapport

    The initial phone call and/or appointment is a great opportunity for you to meet the lawyer you will be working with. You will need to work with the lawyer for a significant amount of time and it is a matter that is incredibly important to you, so we recommend that you work with someone you have a good rapport with.

    Knowing if you have good rapport would mean that you feel like you can ask questions, that the lawyer is listening to you, that you feel heard, that the lawyer has taken an interest in you and can give you advice, even advice that you might not want to hear. Use the initial appointment to establish how good the lawyer is at communicating and their communication style in the initial appointment.

    You are not under an obligation to proceed with any lawyer you consult. It is important that you use the initial consultation to satisfy yourself about the matters discussed above so that you can be certain you have the right lawyer on your side.

    Learn more about personal injury claims in Queensland


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    Kathryn MacDonell

    Kathryn MacDonell

    Chief Executive Officer