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    What to consider when pursuing a common law personal injury claim in Queensland?

    July 29, 2024

    What to consider when pursuing a common law personal injury claim in Queensland?

    When pursuing a common law personal injury claim in Queensland, individuals must navigate a structured process to secure rightful compensation. This legal avenue allows those who have suffered injuries due to the negligence or fault of another party to seek redress. A common law claim in Queensland is essentially a legal action for compensation initiated by an individual harmed by the actions or inactions of another. To succeed in such a claim, it is crucial to adhere to specific steps that strengthen the case and increase the likelihood of a favourable outcome.

    Am I eligible to make a common law claim?

    The first vital step in this process is determining eligibility for a common law claim. To be successful in a common law claim the lawyers will need to establish that you were injured or became sick at or because of work. However, there is an additional component of negligence. If negligence by another party/other parties has contributed to your injuries, as in the case of an accident caused by faulty equipment supplied by a third party, they may be required to contribute to your damages claim.

    Examples of times when another party may need to contribute to your damages claim include:

    • An accident caused by faulty equipment supplied by a third party;
    • Your employer is an employment agency, and you work with a host employer;
    • You are injured during the course of your employment on another person’s/company’s premises.

    Once eligibility is confirmed, the next critical phase revolves around gathering compelling evidence to substantiate the claim of negligence and fault. A personal injury lawyer in Queensland will seek compensation for your injury and illness taking into account your injury and impact on your enjoyment of life, ability to work now and in the future, medical needs in the future and any assistance you may require.

    What evidence is needed for a common law personal injury claim in Queensland?

    Evidence plays a pivotal role in the success of a common law personal injury claim in Queensland. Relevant documentation to help establish liability and quantify the damages include (but are not exclusive to):

    • Medical reports
    • Medical receipts
    • Imaging reports
    • Witness statements
    • Incident reports
    • Income statements pre and post-accident 

    During a claim, lawyers will gather any evidence about the impact of the injury and the associated financial losses and future losses and expenses likely to be incurred. Each case is unique and must be assessed looking at that set of circumstances. Once they have this evidence, they will then be in a position to give you very specific advice about how much you would likely be awarded in compensation by a court.

    Why should I contact a personal injury lawyer in Queensland?

    Seeking legal advice from an experienced personal injury lawyer in Queensland is a cornerstone of the common law claim process. Skilled legal representation can provide invaluable guidance on the intricacies of personal injury claims, assess the strength of the case, and advocate for the best possible outcome on behalf of the claimant. Moreover, legal professionals can navigate the complex legal procedures and negotiations involved in securing fair compensation.


    Learn more about making a personal injury claim in Queensland after a workplace accident


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